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Important Information on Investment Risks

  • Past Performance is Not Indicative of Future Results: The performance data presented herein reflects historical performance and should not be considered indicative of future results. Investment performance can vary significantly over time and is subject to various market conditions, economic factors, and other variables beyond our control. 


  • No Guarantee of Performance: Sol Capital Group LLC does not guarantee the future performance of any investment strategy or portfolio. Investments may lose value, and there is no assurance that any investment objectives will be achieved. 


  • Risk of Loss: All investments involve risks, including the risk of loss of principal. Investors should be aware of the risks associated with investing in securities, which may include market risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk, among others. 


  • Performance Reporting Period: The performance data provided may be for specific reporting periods, which may not reflect the entire performance history of the investment strategy or portfolio. Different reporting periods may yield different performance results. 


  • Benchmark Comparisons: Any comparisons to benchmark indices are for illustrative purposes only and may not accurately reflect the performance of the investment strategy or portfolio. The composition of benchmark indices may differ significantly from the investments managed by Sol Capital Group LLC. 


  • Performance Calculation Methodology: The performance calculations utilized may differ from those used by other investment firms or organizations. Investors should carefully review the methodology used to calculate performance metrics. 


  • Currency and Tax Considerations: Performance data may be presented in different currencies and may not account for taxes or other fees that may impact investment returns. Investors should consult with their tax advisors regarding the tax implications of their investments. 


  • Individual Investor Circumstances: The performance of investments may vary based on individual investor circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and other factors. Investors should carefully consider their own financial situation and investment goals before making any investment decisions.

  • Consultation with Financial Professionals: Sol Capital Group LLC strongly recommends that investors consult with qualified financial professionals, including investment advisors and tax advisors, before making any investment decisions. 


  • Changes to Investment Strategies: Sol Capital Group LLC reserves the right to modify investment strategies, asset allocations, and portfolio holdings at any time without prior notice. Such changes may impact investment performance. 


  • No Solicitation or Offer: The information provided in this disclaimer is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation or offer to buy or sell securities or investment 

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